Everyone has the potential to be a leader, regardless of title or position.
But many people give themselves the title of leader, and expect others to think of them as a leader without actually understanding the meaning of leadership.
There are also those who have been positioned as a leader by others. They may be ranked at the top of a hierarchy and hold an important position, but who fail us when we need them.
Whether we are granted the title of leader by others or take it upon ourselves, we must remember that leadership is an honor and a privilege and something that must be earned—because others are counting on us and they are placing their trust in us.
Leadership, regardless of labels, must be earned. In short, you earn leadership by knowing what matters.
Behavior matters. It doesn’t matter what your rank or role may be, where you come from, or if your title sounds impressive, you are not leader if your behaviors don’t demonstrate the integrity of doing the right thing.
Trust matters. Leaders must earn trust. You must set the example, know that you are setting the example, and have a deep understanding that trustworthiness takes character. To be trusting requires values, to be trusted requires earning the privilege.
Service matters. True leaders understand: Leadership is not about you but about those you serve. It is not about ennobling yourself but bringing others up. The best way to earn your leadership is to lose yourself in the service of elevating others.
Influence matters. Leadership is neither a title nor a position, it is a demonstration of character that is worthy of imitation, emulation and inspiration.
“Why” matters. When you dig deep into an organization and employees can tell you the deeper purpose and the mission of their organization, you will discover strong leadership there. Leadership means knowing how to manage and empower every level of your organization.
Earning the title of leader does not depend on how many diplomas we have received, or how much money we make, or what title we decide to give ourselves or if we demand others to follow us.
Leaders in all realms of life and leadership know that the power they have come to hold exists because they have earned the responsibility of serving the many. Leadership is ultimately a position of service, trust, and character not authority.
Lead From Within: Leadership is not patronage, power and position. It is about the service you give to show you care, the trust you bestow to show your integrity, the character you embody. It’s more about reaching out instead of climbing up.
The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness
After decades of coaching powerful executives around the world, Lolly Daskal has observed that leaders rise to their positions relying on a specific set of values and traits. But in time, every executive reaches a point when their performance suffers and failure persists. Very few understand why or how to prevent it.
Additional Reading you might enjoy:
- 12 Successful Leadership Principles That Never Grow Old
- A Leadership Manifesto: A Guide To Greatness
- How to Succeed as A New Leader
- 12 of The Most Common Lies Leaders Tell Themselves
- 4 Proven Reasons Why Intuitive Leaders Make Great Leaders
- The One Quality Every Leader Needs To Succeed
- The Deception Trap of Leadership
Photo Credit: Getty Images
Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR, Inc.com, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.
Alli Polin
21. Jan, 2014
I can remember starting my first job out of college in an “up or out” organization. By year two, you’re promoted from Analyst to Consultant or it’s time to go. Many of my peers walked around with new found bravado and arrogance once they were promoted and officially supervising others. As you would guess, the new title didn’t equal leadership or respect.
This post is important for people new to the workforce and seasoned leaders alike. Titles are wonderful but they’re not essential for leadership. Thanks, Lolly!
21. Jan, 2014
Thanks Alli
For stopping by and lending your words of wisdom.
This post is for everyone who is a leader and wants to learn the core of leadership.
Leadership must be earned.
Jon Mertz
21. Jan, 2014
I have only one word to offer: Bravo!
21. Jan, 2014
Leadership moments are recognized after an event has occurred when teams step back and say “now that was good leadership”.
Karin Hurt
21. Jan, 2014
Lolly. Just beautiful. I see “leaders” with power who forget this. They get what they think they want, but they lose so much because they don’t have fully engaged hearts and minds.
21. Jan, 2014
We need to take a step back and remind ourselves that leaders need to be learning and earning their leadership every day.
LaRae Quy
21. Jan, 2014
I love this! A great reminder that all of us are leaders, in different situations and in different ways.
And true leadership rarely needs a title…
22. Jan, 2014
La Rae
You are so right. A true leader rarely needs a title – they are just leaders. They understand the currency of leading and it comes from the heart.
Chery Gegelman
21. Jan, 2014
Great post Lolly – It resonates on every level! It’s not about me, it’s about serving others, regardless of the size of my title!
22. Jan, 2014
Dear Chery,
its about you and others.
Its the balance of both in perfect symmetry. We bring ourselves to every situation.
So wonderful to see you!
21. Jan, 2014
Hello Lolly,
Your article resonated with me. I completely agree with you that leading is a privilege, and something that is to be treated sacredly. And before being able to lead, the credibility and authority to do so must be earned.
Your point that “Trust Matters” I believe is the most important because if your people do not trust you, accomplishing the larger goals and inspiring the fulfillment of the greater vision is impossible. Trust in leadership is achieved through following through with what you say and being a leader of action, not just of words. It also means demonstrating the highest attention to ethical behavior and doing the right thing.
Thank you so much for the work you do here at your site! I am looking forward to reading more of your ideas.
Terri Klass
21. Jan, 2014
Just this week I was working with an organization where an up and coming leader shared his words of leadership with me. He said that his team is so high performing because whatever the position a person holds, they are respected and valued. He believed that each person no matter their title or background leads when they have the courage to reach out to others and elevate them.
He epitomized what every leader should aspire to. I was inspired and impacted by his words, beliefs and actions. That is great leadership.
Thanks Lolly for an important post that all leaders should read!
22. Jan, 2014
Dear Terri
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, it is always great to hear what our encounters are with leaders.
What they are thinking, what they are bumping up against.
Always a pleasure to read your wisdom
Daymond Lopez
21. Jan, 2014
Perhaps the only title needed is authenticity, we have to be ourselves first in order to earn little by little and in a humble way a leadership mention.
22. Jan, 2014
Authenticity is a virtue of true leadership, one of many that we need in order to be called LEADER
Thanks for stopping by.
22. Jan, 2014
Lolly, What a wonderful piece of mind and reminder to those bragging with titles while forgetting that leadership is a service to those who deserve it.
26. Jan, 2014
Leadership can certainly be read about, studied, and taught, but individuals rarely think about leadership as something we need to earn.
It must be earned one skill at a time. one decision at a time. one connection at a time. one success at a time.
Thanks Samuel for stopping by.
Jimoh Ololade
22. Jan, 2014
Thanks Lolly, for the leadership piece it is very informative and useful. As an MBA Leadership Management student this material will be an addition to my research materials.
Many thanks
23. Jan, 2014
Stop by and let us know how your schooling is going.
Share articles with your friends.
We need leaders who understand the foundation of leaders to lead the next generation and beyond.
Panteli Tritchew
22. Jan, 2014
Hi Lolly,
I dearly love the democracy of leadership inherent in your post. There are so many people everywhere, in all walks of life, who earn their daily bread by serving others with diligence and integrity. In return, they earn respect from those they engage and serve. They have no agenda, no strategy and no plan. They know not failure because they have no metric for success. When they lead, it’s effortless because they have not set out to lead, but to serve. They lead by example, not by title. Some are just called Mother.
Thank you for another wonderful post. Missing you and many good friends deeply on #leadfromwithin.
23. Jan, 2014
Dear Panteli
It is a honor to know you and its always a delight to see where your mind goes.
Loved your thoughts today. Very insightful and filled with great wisdom.
We miss you on #leadfromwithin
22. Jan, 2014
Hi Lolly,
It is a good read especially for me when I just got promoted and leading a small team. Personally I believe leadership is a reflection of the team. Building the foundation and growing as one.
Thank you for the post. A gentle reminder not to take the small things for granted.
23. Jan, 2014
Leadership and teams are reflection of each other.
Great leader=Great team.
Great team= breeds great leaders
Good Luck with your new position – stop on by and let us know how you are doing.
23. Jan, 2014
Hi Lolly,
What an awesome post!. Love this, “Leadership is neither a title nor a position, it is a demonstration of character that is worthy of imitation, emulation and inspiration.”
23. Jan, 2014
Thanks for stopping by, lets spread the message of leadership.
23. Jan, 2014
That is a beautiful article, I’m glad I found it a, every line you wrote makes sense and is greatly inspiring.
”It is not about ennobling yourself but bringing others up. The best way to earn your leadership is to lose yourself in the service of elevating others.”
Thank you.
23. Jan, 2014
Thanks Audrey
Leadership is earned one task at a time, one person at a time.
Thanks for stopping by.
23. Jan, 2014
“Influence matters. Leadership is neither a title nor a position, it is a demonstration of character that is worthy of imitation, emulation and inspiration.” Such truth in these words.
I believe that leadership begins with personal leadership. It is not until we have learned how to love, respect and trust ourselves that we are able to be inspire those qualities in those we serve. And perhaps that is why, people choose to follow the leader…
26. Jan, 2014
When we are leader we are leading with our entire person, and when you are leading our employees we are conducting our leader actions “influencing, operating, and improving”, as an entire person.
Alejandro Clavel
23. Jan, 2014
Great article! Leadership is earned through authentic care for others. If the actions do not reflect the personality, leadership is non existent because there will be no followers.
26. Jan, 2014
Leadership is earned in many different ways. If starts with the heart, if we care about people, if we want to motivate people and see them do better…
We are well on our way of leading and earning that title; of LEADER….
I believe we need to stop managing and begin leading. Show your employees what success looks like and then let go of the reins and allow them to develop and implement their own processes to accomplish the work. This will satisfy their esteem need because they will feel respected for their abilities.
Roger Saunders
23. Jan, 2014
Lolli — well stated on each point. Each of these traits come into play for Leaders as they have chosen or been thrust into a path of Leadership.
Management is about “process”, and certainly an vital part of involvement in any organization.
Leadership is about successfully bringing people through change. They will only follow if they believe in your honor, integrity, trustworthiness, and exhibition of commitment to team.
26. Jan, 2014
Leadership and Managers must earn the title of leader.
Everyone is always leading someone in their life. Is that not so Roger?
Joanna M. Pineda
23. Jan, 2014
What a wonderful, thoughtful article. I think about the new employee who, because he is well read, shares what he reads, and is willing to help anyone, is now regarded as a guru.
I just forwarded this article to “leads” in my company who are functional leads but who are NOT managers. A couple have struggled with this. They ask, “how can I be a leader if I don’t manage people?” This article speaks to that issue elegantly and will be the topic of an awesome I’ll have with them next week. Thank you!
26. Jan, 2014
Thank you so much for sharing the article. The more we can tap into the truth about leadership, the less is feels confusing.
Yvonne Thrasher
23. Jan, 2014
Leadership is the ability to lead yourself FIRST. True leadership is having a teaching spirit and a servant leaders heart. Often times we tend to think that “leadership” is just about that person teaching or speaking on it, when in reality it is not, it is the ability to remove yourself completely, in order to invest in others by influencing, encouraging and motivating them.
We all have leadership qualities, but it is the true leaders that discover, define and deploy those qualities and ultimately become GREAT leaders.
26. Jan, 2014
Leadership is not just about developing a brilliant strategy or executing a task perfectly.
Leadership must be earned by getting better day by day and week by week and then apply their skills to improving the lives of other people in your organizations.
David Frank
23. Jan, 2014
Not only a great post, Lolly, but just love the comments from your readers also.
Leadership to me has always included the following::
1) Competency
2) Confident
3) Caring
4) Character
5) Gracious
6) Humble
7) Approachable
Remember, though – – ‘What gets measured, gets done.
26. Jan, 2014
Great list David. I appreciated you sharing.
and for me….Leadership is not so much about measurements it more about meaning.
23. Jan, 2014
“The best way to earn your leadership is to lose yourself in the service of elevating others”.
How true this statement is. Unfortunately, often times we are under the leadership of a “boss” who is just that. They want to keep their people in their “place” so no one surpasses them. Bad move in my opinion.
26. Jan, 2014
The boss who comes from power is a person who is afraid. The leader who leads with fear is scared.
I would show them compassion.
23. Jan, 2014
This is awesome. with everything else I know…. this tops it. Thanks Lolly.
26. Jan, 2014
Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment Patience.
23. Jan, 2014
Great insights! I had a young leader that I work with share with me these thoughts; “A Leader’s position in others’ lives shouold be to help promote them in becoming better. Becoming the best version of themself they can acheive. If a leader isn’t providing that to others, they should remove themselves.”
26. Jan, 2014
This is to be repeated: A Leader’s position in others’ lives shouold be to help promote them in becoming better. Becoming the best version of themself they can acheive. If a leader isn’t providing that to others, they should remove themselves.”
23. Jan, 2014
Great article!
I learned very early in my career how much I enjoy working hard to accomplish my goals. I wanted to work hard, give my best effort. I made it a point to do the job the right way and I challenged myself to improve. Soon enough, my performance was recognized and I started training others and became a mentor for new employees…………I did not intend to mentor. I understood why being a mentor was; and still is, important. There’s a lot of power in encouragement, there’s even more power when others learn by good examples. Good leaders know when they serve others that success within an organization become inevitable. When employees are taught the importance of doing what’s right and striving to improve themselves as professionals, they are creating the ground work of good leadership. These words mean so much more to me now as a professional Ieader as I make the extra effort to do what’s right in business, the impact of good integrity is powerful.
26. Jan, 2014
Brilliant illustration of leadership! Thank you so much for sharing.
23. Jan, 2014
Great perspective on the leader’s role. I’ve recently adopted something similar when I speak/present on leadership; anyone can be a leader by title by you are truly a “Leader” when you team tells you that you are. “Leadership is neither a title nor a position, it is a demonstration of character that is worthy of imitation, emulation and inspiration.” Awesome!!! Thanks for sharing!
26. Jan, 2014
Thanks Stephen,
I appreciate your comment- I believe the more of us who spread the word on leadership from within. The more truth of leadership shall be present.
23. Jan, 2014
Love all the fine thougts and the emotions they bring out.
Seems what also is needed are critical thinking followers.
Am reminded of the expression “too many chiefs and not enough indians”
I know, I’m confusing leaders with chiefs..
All to often necessary to “lead from below” in this socially and economically structured society..
26. Jan, 2014
Leaders who lead from their heart, understand that leadership must be earned.
Michael Baer
23. Jan, 2014
Absolutely right. And, as I wrote in a guest post for Mike Figliuolo this week, kindness makes you a better leader, as well. http://www.thoughtleadersllc.com/2014/01/dont-vote-for-yourself-a-case-for-kindness/
Michael Baer
26. Jan, 2014
Thanks for sharing Michael.
Thandi Zulu
23. Jan, 2014
Great job that feels good
23. Jan, 2014
Great article and a very timely reminder. Leadership is indeed service above self. Leadership requires goal compatibility with follows and focuses influence downward as against power which is used to gain lateral and upward influence..A very on point article.
26. Jan, 2014
Thanks Shai,
Leadership must be understood. Leadership must make sense.
To those we lead and those who follow us.
If does not get earned. It is not leadership.
Nabil M
24. Feb, 2016
Your success in leadership confirmed by others, not you, who confirms.
jerry busone
24. Jan, 2014
Nice post….servant leaders have the most influence and are the most memorable people to work for…
26. Jan, 2014
A servant leader who leads with heart is unforgettable.
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26. Jan, 2014
Steve Sheinkopf
24. Jan, 2014
Well said….leadership is others first
26. Jan, 2014
Thanks Steve.
There are many theories and acronyms floating around the internet that all claim to be able to solve the truth of leadership and while some of them are helpful, many leave out the simple truth -that leadership must be earned.
Thanks for stopping by.
26. Jan, 2014
Thank you Steve!
Joy Abdullah
25. Jan, 2014
A fabulous post, Lolly!
Leadership truly has to be earned. When one is a leader (self-appointed or promoted or elected) the key thought to remember is that one has been empowered to be a leader and all the points you mention ( as ‘what matters’) are what has to be kept in mind by the leader to project in his/her actions.
26. Jan, 2014
I agree with my whole heart. You nailed it. As you said…
When one is a leader (self-appointed or promoted or elected) the key thought to remember is that one has been empowered to be a leader and all the points you mention ( as ‘what matters’) are what has to be kept in mind by the leader to project in his/her actions.
Thanks for stopping by. hope to see you again.
Amy Byer Shainman
25. Jan, 2014
Favorite–“It doesn’t matter what your rank or role may be, where you come from, or if your title sounds impressive, you are not leader if your behaviors don’t demonstrate the integrity of doing the right thing” Thanks Lolly!
26. Jan, 2014
Leaders must earn their title they must lead with with compassion, influence with goodness, and communicate with insight.
And to be called leader takes ownership and worthiness.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you visit again real soon.
M. Catlett
26. Jan, 2014
There’s far too much talk about company culture and morale in leadership conversations these days – the simple truth is that people see whether or not you work, whether or not you’re positive, and if you’re trying to get more labor out of them. You can’t manipulate your way into inspiring a team; be informed, be positive, and work hard to start.
26. Jan, 2014
Very true, what you are saying is be the example you want to see.
If we did that we would have authentic, inspiring leadership.
Thanks so much for lending your voice on the subject.
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Ologe Philips
28. Jan, 2014
I always feel great whenever i read any piece from @Lolly Daskal. This one is an eye opener. I always wonder what was wrong with my Bosses (two of them), now, i understand… Years past, we had dreams, but now they earn wealth and we are all (employees) the way we were.
Thank you Lolly, i will follow my own vision and learn more from you.
Sophia Kwok
29. Jan, 2014
Beautifully said. I couldn’t agree with you more.
10. Feb, 2014
An awaken and amazing article and filled with worthwhile words. But can anyone to be like in this article? if the answer is YES, he/she must be great leader (in this world).
I catch this meaning some like “spiritual path” and some like business, management, professional path, etc in the real/material world.
I believe whilst any people can do and follow this “path”, what amazing he/she is!, why? because how difficult to implement what you suggest in reality, even difficult do not meaning we can’t do it.
In short, this article really amaze, a great concept, but to be implemented as a course. need to be more deepen and wider then you will “create” the great leadership.
Leadership is art. Leader is an existence/condition, and Manager is position.
Thanks to share a great article.
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Archie Taylor
17. Jun, 2015
Fantastic article Lolly.
Great leader’s lead from the front but should always be looking behind to inspire and motivate their team. Leaders should empower trust and respect by reaching out and putting the needs of the team before their own. The foundations of a great team. Leader’s Create Leader’s!
14. Aug, 2015
Hi Lolly,
Once again a very wonderful post. Leadership needs to be earned through trust and actions of words. Generally, when the title of leadership embarks a person, he / she forgets the responsibilty towards his/r people and blooms a sense of pride and oneman show..!! True leaders inspires and cares the people people involved with.
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Jacob Ngicho
12. Mar, 2016
Wow !!A good piece here.Leadership is all about efficient service delivery.
Nabil M
12. Mar, 2016
I hope to be successful in translation into English,true . In order to correct understanding
* Driving from my point of view:
– The leadership of the self. This offer requires leadership in all people. If you can not take the lead yourself. Who is who will be driving yourself. Either you or …? . Person who can not lead himself, is abortive person in his life. Also is a person who can not lead others, absolutely.
– Other leadership (people). It is to lead the group (scientific, political or administrative, etc.). Or the leadership of the community, or the leadership of communities. Requires two conditions provide important, for this leadership:
1) the initial condition: Excellence internal capabilities, are rare. (Talent). Make him a great leader. This is a great person, if that person was able to see his abilities, and give it to reality. Through his talent, and also through the acquisition of information or knowledge, which makes him a great leader, actually. These are geniuses or rare people in this life.
2) The second condition is to gain leadership, gain leadership of these possible to acquire a lot of people through the acquisition of knowledge only. But levels of leadership they have, do not rise more than good. (Scientific, political or administrative, etc.).
While, there are some people who are special in this life. They are who they can reach the highest echelons. Knowledge in the leadership or the leadership in politics or in etc. These are the greats, or geniuses, (rare). Because not all people are geniuses in this life.
Therefore, it is necessary to know yourself. who are you ? So as not to deviate from the right path. Not all people are geniuses in this life.
You have the many concepts of leadership. And I join with you in my view.
Perhaps, some of my words, it is true.
In any case .
Thank you Lolly Daskal.
Thanks to all .
said alasmi
04. Aug, 2016
«The highest degrees of human leadership is knowing cope with the conditions and create an internal tranquility and calm despite the storms Foreign»
Cassie McInnes
29. Aug, 2017
So true. You do not need to have the title ‘leader’ to be a leader. I love that part about reaching out instead of climbing up. There is nothing worse than someone pretending to care to climb the ladder. Be real. Life isn’t about you, it is about what you can do with others – love, trust, unity. Thank you Lolly!