Leadership is not just about having the necessary skills and abilities, but also about having the right attitude.
The best leaders understand that having the right attitude is a crucial aspect of their leadership that shapes their impact on others. As Charles Swindoll said, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” A positive attitude is a superpower that leaders can harness to react to any situation in a positive and productive way.
Staying positive as a leader can bring many benefits to themselves and those they lead in the following ways:
Positivity keeps things in perspective: When leaders maintain a positive attitude, they are able to look at difficult situations with a clear and balanced perspective. The best leaders are able to maintain this perspective even in the face of adversity, and they use it to guide their team through difficult times.
Positivity builds resilience: A positive attitude helps leaders build resilience, which is the ability to bounce back from adversity. The best leaders are able to build resilience in themselves and in their teams, which allows them to handle difficult situations with grace and poise.
Positivity keeps leaders focused: A positive attitude helps leaders to maintain their focus, which is essential for achieving goals and making progress. The best leaders are able to maintain a positive attitude even in the face of adversity, which helps them to stay focused and make steady progress towards their goals.
Positivity motivates people: Positivity is contagious, and when leaders maintain a positive attitude, they inspire others to do the same. The best leaders are able to maintain a positive attitude even in the face of adversity, which helps them to inspire and motivate their teams to achieve great things.
Positivity turns challenges into opportunities: When leaders maintain a positive attitude, they are able to see challenges not as obstacles but as opportunities for growth and development. The best leaders have the power to see past problems and spot potential solutions.
Positivity helps build relationships: Positivity allows leaders to be more empathetic and understanding towards team members, which can lead to better collaboration and cooperation. When leaders maintain a positive attitude, they are more approachable and easy to work with, which can help to build trust and improve communication throughout the whole organization.
In summary, the only way to move an organization forward when times are bleak is to be a positive leader. Without a positive attitude, challenges may prove insurmountable.
Lead From Within: Staying positive as a leader has its benefits. It helps leaders navigate difficult times and guides them out of bleakness.
#1 N A T I O N A L B E S T S E L L E R
The Leadership Gap
What Gets Between You and Your Greatness
After decades of coaching powerful executives around the world, Lolly Daskal has observed that leaders rise to their positions relying on a specific set of values and traits. But in time, every executive reaches a point when their performance suffers and failure persists. Very few understand why or how to prevent it.
Additional Reading you might enjoy:
- 12 Successful Leadership Principles That Never Grow Old
- A Leadership Manifesto: A Guide To Greatness
- How to Succeed as A New Leader
- 12 of The Most Common Lies Leaders Tell Themselves
- 4 Proven Reasons Why Intuitive Leaders Make Great Leaders
- The One Quality Every Leader Needs To Succeed
- The Deception Trap of Leadership
Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR, Inc.com, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.