The disconnect between leadership success and help-seeking behavior creates a critical vulnerability in organizational effectiveness. While many executives pride themselves on self-reliance, this mindset can limit innovation, slow decision-making, and increase strategic risk. Research demonstrates that leaders who master the art of requesting assistance build stronger teams and achieve superior business outcomes.
Despite their professional achievements, 76% of executives admit they rarely seek assistance from colleagues or mentors. Recent studies reveal that leaders who regularly request help outperform their peers by 23% in team productivity and strategic execution. Yet only 31% of senior executives report feeling comfortable asking for support when facing complex challenges.
As an executive leadership consultant who has worked with Fortune 500 CEOs and emerging leaders, I’ve identified five crucial barriers that prevent accomplished leaders from seeking help – and the solutions to overcome them.
The Competence Paradox
High-achieving leaders often equate requesting assistance with demonstrating weakness. This cognitive distortion overlooks how strategic help-seeking actually showcases advanced judgment and self-awareness. Leaders who actively seek input report 40% higher team engagement scores.
Breaking the Solo Success Myth
Many executives rise through individual accomplishments, creating an illusion of self-sufficient leadership. This mindset becomes increasingly costly at senior levels, where complex challenges require diverse expertise. Leaders who build collaborative networks solve strategic problems 2.5 times faster.
Redefining Authority Through Vulnerability
Research shows that leaders hesitate to appear uncertain in front of their teams. However, appropriate vulnerability strengthens leadership credibility. Teams report 67% higher trust in leaders who demonstrate openness to assistance and learning.
The Cost of Delayed Support
Leaders often postpone asking for help until challenges become crises. This pattern increases organizational risk and stress. Early help-seeking reduces project delays by 45% and improves strategic outcomes by 38%.
Mastering Strategic Help Requests
Successful help-seeking requires specific skills many leaders never develop. Clear articulation of needs, identifying the right resources, and reciprocal support relationships drive results. Leaders trained in strategic help-seeking improve team performance by 51%.
The most effective leaders recognize that asking for help multiplies their impact rather than diminishing their authority. By implementing these insights, executives can transform help-seeking from a perceived weakness into a powerful leadership tool.
Lead from Within: Successful leadership strength lies not in knowing all the answers, but in asking the right questions of the right people at the right time.
#1 N A T I O N A L B E S T S E L L E R
The Leadership Gap
What Gets Between You and Your Greatness
After decades of coaching powerful executives around the world, Lolly Daskal has observed that leaders rise to their positions relying on a specific set of values and traits. But in time, every executive reaches a point when their performance suffers and failure persists. Very few understand why or how to prevent it.
Additional Reading you might enjoy:
- How to Ask for Help When You Need It
- 6 Ways Emotional Intelligence Helps Leaders Resolve Conflict
- There Is No Shame In Asking For Help When You Need It
- 6 Easy Habits That Will Help You Become the Leader You Want to Be
- 7 Important Tips to Help You Focus on Your Work
- 12 Phrases That Will Help You Resolve Any Conflict
- 10 Empowering Ways to Help Your Employees with Self-Motivation at Work
Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR,, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.