Less Traveled Road

The road to success is always under construction- Lily Tomlin

Once you’ve set your goals, don’t make the mistake of assuming that the road to realizing your carefully crafted plan for success is going to be smoothly paved.

Life doesn’t work that way. Instead, you will probably be faced with many detours, construction and potholes.

When traveling on the less traveled road:

You need to anticipate the road you will travel.

You need to pack your bag carefully.

You need to see what baggage you plan on traveling with.

You each need to know that there will be potholes and construction sites-
but you need not be afraid. Because you can learn to adapt. We all do.

When you reach a roadblock in your path use your head.

Do not let the road you travel keep you from walking the path of your goals.

Lead from Within: You are on the road to success when you realize when failure is your only detour. And the less traveled road is getting you closer to your destination.

Lolly Daskal is one of the most sought-after executive leadership coaches in the world. Her extensive cross-cultural expertise spans 14 countries, six languages and hundreds of companies. As founder and CEO of Lead From Within, her proprietary leadership program is engineered to be a catalyst for leaders who want to enhance performance and make a meaningful difference in their companies, their lives, and the world.

Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR, Inc.com, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.

  1. Nate

    28. Oct, 2010

    I love the line about failure being your only detour. Truly and inspiration post. It’s not always (or ever) easy to follow the road less traveled, but it’s absolutely necessary if you want to change where you are at in life. Thanks for sharing!

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