It’s okay to say …
I messed up
I am drowning
I feel ashamed
I feel guilty
I am confused
I am scared
I am mad
I need you
I am frustrated
I wish I knew
I want to be loved
I am overwhelmed
I miss you
I do not feel confident
I wish I understood
I have no clue
I have made mistakes
I know its my fault
I could use your help
I am having a bad day
This message is for all of us who are human: leading organization, running companies, parenting children, supporting others.
We need these moments, hours, days when we can voice our feelings and say, It’s okay.
Saying it’s okay-is allowing ourselves to be the human.
Being human is having a deep understanding that at times we feel hopeless and helpless.
Give yourself permission to feel these feelings but don’t stay stuck.
Say them….feel them…. and then move through them.
As we experience our darkness we understand we are human beings not human doings.
Lead From Within: Every life cannot be without measure of darkness. We must balance our dark and light and give it patience and presence of mind. Every darkness can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.
National Bestselling Book:
The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness
After decades of coaching powerful executives around the world, Lolly Daskal has observed that leaders rise to their positions relying on a specific set of values and traits. But in time, every executive reaches a point when their performance suffers and failure persists. Very few understand why or how to prevent it.
Additional Reading you might enjoy:
- 12 Successful Leadership Principles That Never Grow Old
- A Leadership Manifesto: A Guide To Greatness
- How to Succeed as A New Leader
- 12 of The Most Common Lies Leaders Tell Themselves
- 4 Proven Reasons Why Intuitive Leaders Make Great Leaders
- The One Quality Every Leader Needs To Succeed
- The Deception Trap of Leadership
Photo Credit: Getty Images
Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR,, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.
john paul
25. Jul, 2012
It’s Okay. A-Okay. You are love and loved.
Frederick Henry
25. Jul, 2012
Many many thanks for your daily inspiring whispers…!!!
26. Jul, 2012
Thanks Frederick!
Dr Angie
25. Jul, 2012
It’s okay to Be, and let Be.
26. Jul, 2012
Love the addition!
It’s okay!
26. Jul, 2012
It’s Okay >> I like it.
many thanks
26. Jul, 2012
Lolly this really resonated. It’s hard to inspire when you are in deep shadow.
Dan Forbes
28. Jul, 2012
I was wrong, and I’m sorry
Mamen Perera
28. Jul, 2012
Growing you and your team emotionally is the best you can do for your business if you want to transform your company. Thank you Lolly for inspiring me to lead from within!
31. Jul, 2012
I always enjoy your posts and your ability to communicate the importance on transforming emotions from the dark to a more positive light.
Viva (Vikash) Vadur
06. Aug, 2012
Yes, we have to be open and honest…that will help us along the way!
Miracle Yantra
Peter Matejcek
07. Aug, 2012
The power of simplicity is key into moving through the balance of life, love the post!
12. Aug, 2012
It’s okay to say ….. we are not meant to be together .
13. Aug, 2012
Perfect dose of compassion to go along with accountability. Especially for those with harsh inner critics. (I know absolutely nothing about that…;-)
Thanks for all of your many great posts, Lolly.
13. Aug, 2012
i am inspired by this post. You can check out what QUITTERS ARE AFRAID TO DO @
27. Dec, 2016
Thanks lolly. You came to me at the right time. Thanks.