Why do some people seem to have all the luck? Are they always in the right place at the right time or are they born under a lucky star or another charm which enables them have whatever they desire?
It seems lucky people’s businesses prosper. They get one fantastic promotion after another. So you may be thinking, good fortune is singling them out by chance.
No, they are not singled out. They are not the chosen. ……
……Lucky you. I am gong tell you their simple secrets. They are easy and you can implement them in your life starting today. And when you do, your life will start to change and your career will begin to blossom in unexpected ways. And one day you’ll realize that now everyone has started calling you lucky.
Are you ready to become the “lucky” one. Here are some straightforward mindsets to help change your luck, change your life.
Lucky people – don’t believe in (or wait around for) random luck. They take charge of generating their own luck.
Lucky people- look for the opportunity that’s always embedded in life’s inconveniences, they find opportunities in problems.
Lucky people- don’t quit when they’re holding a potentially winning hand.
Lucky people- drop a losing hand as quickly as possible. And they know the difference.
Lucky people- know longshots when they see them, and they may bet, but it’s a calculated bet.
Lucky people- polish their people skills constantly because most opportunities are brought to us by others.
Lucky people-develop a wide range of professional skills so they’re prepared for any opportunity to knock.
Lucky people- fill their mind with thoughts of what they want, because they know they get what they fill their mind with, whatever that is.
Lucky people- are simply those who have taken more chances than average.
Other than these simple things, lucky people don’t do anything special at all. They just understand that they can make better choices than others. Because perception determines what they think, desire, say, feel, and do, and it works like a filter through which they view life and make their decisions. Every decision they act upon sets their destiny in motion.
According to oft repeated Chinese philosophy. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. We create our own luck when we are prepared to see the opportunities and are willing to take the action. We just need to be open-
In short, if you go looking for luck, you’ll probably find it…
Of Lolly’s many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World. Her writing has appeared in HBR, Inc.com, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, and Psychology Today, and others. Her newest book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness has become a national bestseller.
Gil Gonzalez
05. Oct, 2009
Excellent blog post. Luck is indeed all those things. One small item I’d like to add which I’ve learned from my own experience is that lucky people are those who recognize you’re always interviewing for your next job. Be it a luncheon or just casual conversation in the hallways at work, you are always selling yourself and your talents to every person with whom you interact. It may be years before that small investment of time pays dividends, but inevitably it will. When it comes to marketing yourself, there are no days off.
06. Oct, 2009
Excellent post Mam! It reminded me of ‘Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently~Shiv Khera” You are absolutely right, throughout last 22 years of my life, most people always said to me “You are very lucky, everything you do, you make it to success” It used to hurt me a lot, because it overlooked all the effort I had given, all the preparation I had made, all the mindset I had developed. Calling others lucky is nothing but giving excuse to own-self for being second best.
Thomas Waterhouse
06. Oct, 2009
Lucky people have intention, and they honor it fully!