Lolly Daskal

Did you miss our September 1, ROCKSTAR webinar with Monica Diaz?

If you did, I have some great news for you. I’m making the full audio available for you. You can take advantage of this second chance RIGHT NOW

A word of warning, though… The ROCKSTAR audio with Monica Diaz  is only available for 24 HOURS.

Monica Diaz is a real ROCKSTAR and the inspirational information she shared as part of our series was nothing less than fascinating.

Monica Diaz is Director of Quidam Global, a firm focused on creating great learning experiences for clients interested in developingPicture 4 their unique talents and improving productivity through personal growth.  She has been a trainer (Schutz Human Element body of work) for almost 20 years and developed her own model of coaching (Q Model Coaching), as well as her Aspirations Theory for life balance and educational applications.  A tireless explorer of ways to help people discover themselves and their potential, Monica speaks globally and loves to write extensively about human and organizational development. She is active on Twitter, LinkedIn and her blogs in English and Spanish.  is her first book.  She lives in Mexico with her three sons and talented husband, Rubén.


Click on the appropriate link below to access the ROCKSTAR webinar with Monica Diaz:

brown-star1Lolly, I’m already signed up for the ROCKSTAR webinar and I have my backstage pass! I’m ready for my members-only access to the webinar!

brown-star1Lolly, I’m ready to sign up for the ROCKSTAR webinar and to get my own backstage pass! I need to register as a new member of the ROCKSTAR family now.

(Note: New members will be taken to the sign up page, which will open in a new window. After you confirm your registration, you can click on the above link for ROCKSTAR members to access the webinar.)